Help for Shoplifters


Yes, you can stop shoplifting and this site can help you!

Yes, you can overcome your addiction to stealing!

I started “Help for Shoplifters” to help people who have a compulsive habit of shoplifting to stop stealing. Together we can create a more honest and trustworthy society one community at a time.

If you’re someone who is struggling with shoplifting and saying things like, “I can’t stop shoplifting,” or “How can I stop shoplifting?” or “I want to stop shoplifting, but I don’t know how,” then you’ve come to the right place. We can help you! Just use the links below to get started on your new shoplifting-free life today.

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I used to be addicted to shoplifting so I know what it feels like to be where you are right now. You can make use of the resources provided here if you are ready to start your journey to a new healthy way of thinking. I applied these very same principles and ideas to turn my life around, and I have not shoplifted in over 10 years. I was shoplifting nearly every day at every shop I visited, and this went on for years until I found the help I needed. You can do the same. A great place to start is with the Workbook created with you in mind. You can stop stealing and find a new life filled with peace and contentment. The choice has been set before you between stealing and honesty. Choose honesty and get your life back!

If you are in need of help to break the shoplifting addiction, or if you know someone who is involved in shoplifting and theft, please contact us through the “Contact Us” form.

Find additional help at The Shulman Center.

Help for people with a shoplifting addiction. Find answers to help you stop stealing.

Lighthouse Resources